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Twilight, Stephenie Meyer

Esta sugestão foi uma das que os alunos do 11ºM fizeram.


  1. Daniela Fonseca, 11M, said:
    This was a book that I really enjoyed reading. Of course, it appeals far more to girls than to boys, so it’s normal that I really liked it. Yet, what I really hate is that “everyone” is crazy about this series, so my liking it is just so normal. Something amazing about this book is the way as the author created vampires so far from their stereotype. They usually are just so dark, so gloomy, all dressed in clothes from other centuries and Stephenie Meyer’s vampires seem just so actual, so “normal” in appearance. That’s something I surely liked. I think the character I most liked was Alice, Edward’s sister. She is just so little and cute but she is also a hurricane of energy and happiness. I really liked her. I think that anyone can read this book and have a lot of fun, unless you don’t like Shakespearian romance.

  2. Margarida Ferreira, 11M, said:
    I enjoyed this book, because it is a very easy reading, the main story is very good, and although the main theme it’s romance, it has also some funny parts, and dramatic.
    My favorite character, I would have to say it is Carlisle Cullen, Edward’s, Alice’s, Jasper’s, Emmet’s and Rosalie’s father. He is a very wise vampire, that made part of a very important Clan of vampires in the past, and he’s a doctor. He stands human blood without having the temptation of wanting it. He is very handsome and looks like thirty’s, thought he is over two hundred years.
    I recommend this book because, as I said, it’s very soft and easy to read, though it has a few pages.

  3. Elsa, 11M:
    This book at first didn’t call my attention, but with the unfolding of the story has been fascinating. I couln’t stop reading.
    During the course of the story, there were several parts that I liked a lot: the game of baseball, the plan to save Bella, the struggle of James and Edward and the back of the book, part of the ball.
    Of the various characters that appear in the book the one that intrigues me more is Bella, Isabella Swan. She has a way of looking at reality that is exposed after discovering that Edward is a vampire and has accepted the truth about Edward.
    I recommend this book because even though it is romantic, its story appeals to anyone who likes supernatural stories, but of course all kinds of people can read and enjoy even those who say no.

  4. Joana Leal, 11C:

    I really liked reading this book .The story is amazing. Although the book is only fiction, some of the things apply to everyday life. Before reading the book I thought it would be quite unreal but now I’ve realized that the story is interesting. The book is about a forbidden love between teenagers that is becoming stronger, but also more dangerous in a way that the book becomes addictive.
    The moments that I liked most were the moments between Bella and Edward, because I they very intense and beautiful.
    My favorite character is Edward, I love the way he reacts. I recommend this book and I'll certainly read the next books of this saga to learn how the romance between Edward and Bella ends.

  5. Daniela Fonseca, 11M:

    This was a book that I really enjoyed reading. Of course, it appeals far more to girls than to boys, so it’s normal that I really liked it. Yet, what I really hate is that “everyone” is crazy about this series, so my liking it is just so normal. Something amazing about this book is the way as the author created vampires so far from their stereotype. They usually are just so dark, so gloomy, all dressed in clothes from other centuries and Stephenie Meyer’s vampires seem just so actual, so “normal” in appearance. That’s something I surely liked. I think the character I most liked was Alice, Edward’s sister. She is just so little and cute but she is also a hurricane of energy and happiness. I really liked her. I think that anyone can read this book and have a lot of fun, unless you don’t like Shakespearian romance.


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